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Hcard-101|Compatibility|Order (Click Here!)

Korg Devices Version History:

The Hcard-101 has undergone successful testing across 18 different firmware revisions of Korg vintage devices. We recommend all customers update their devices to the most recent version. Unfortunately, there isn't an official reference detailing the version history of Korg vintage devices. The information in the upcoming list is compiled from both official and unofficial sources. If you've acquired the Hcard-101, we'd appreciate your feedback; please include details about your OS version.


Device Model OS Version ROM Chip Part Number Hcard101 Compatibilty Device Model OS Version ROM Chip Part Number Hcard101 Compatibilty
M1 v12 880212-880312 Yes WS v2.05 900805-900905 Yes
M1 v16 880216-880316
Yes WS-EX v3.19 * -- Yes
M1 v19 880219-880319
Yes WS-A/D v1.02 910202-910302 Yes
M1-EX v25 880225-880325
Yes WS-A/D v1.18 -- Yes
M1-EX v28 880228-880328
Yes WS-A/D v1.25 * 910205-910305 Yes
M1-EX v29 * 880229-880329 Yes DS8 v10 870210 Yes
M1R v1.06 880506-880606 Yes DS8 v14 * 870214 Yes
M1R-EX v1.12 880512-880612 Yes A1 v18 901718 Yes
M1R-EX v1.16 * 880516-880616 Yes T1,T2,T3 v18 890318-890418 Yes

( * : latest version)

How to check the Korg M1 / M1R OS version?

When you power on the device while holding down the [INT] button, the version number will be displayed in the lower-right corner of the screen as #xx.

How to check the Korg WaveStation or WS-A/D OS version?

Power on the unit and, upon seeing the Korg logo, simultaneously press [Down cursor] and [Number 4]. This will bring up the OS version screen.

How to check the Korg DS8 OS version?

You cannot verify it without opening the device and inspecting the sticker on the EEPROM chip.

How to check the Korg A1 OS version?

When you power on the device while holding down the [WRITE] button, the version number will be displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen as #xx.

How to check the Korg T1, T2, or T3 OS version?

When you power on the device while holding down the [Program A] and [Number 0 - Lower row] button, the version number will be displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen as #xx.

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