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Hcard-702 (Yamaha DX7II-D/FD) |Compatibility|Order

DX7II OS Version History:

We suggest all customers upgrade their DX7II OS to the latest version 1.9. Unfortunately, no official reference classifies DX7II version history. The items in the following list have been gathered based on several official and non-official resources. If you purchased "Hcard-702", please send us your feedback and mention your OS version.

OS Version Hcard-702 Compatibilty ROM Chip Part Number Serial# Range Release Date
v1.1 OK -- -- 12-1986
v1.2 Not Tested -- -- --
v1.3 OK -- -- 01-1987
v1.5 Not Tested -- -- --
v1.6 OK XC314D0 -- 04-1987
v1.8 OK XC314006 Service Use 12-1987
v1.9 OK XC314007 Service Use 07-1988
E! Grey OK E! Grey Matter Expansion -- --
DX11 OK Yamaha DX11 Keyboard -- --
DX7s OK Yamaha DX7s Keyboard -- --

How to find my DX7II-D/FD OS version number?

For this purpose, you must enter "DX7II Test Mode". To enter "Test Mode", while holding down the edit button, press button 16 then 32. The display will show the OS version and release date.

How to upgrade DX7II OS to the latest version?

You need to ask a technician to open your device and replace the ROM chip.

Is Hcard-702 compatible with Yamaha TX-802 Rack?

Yes, but the display and touch buttons are facing downwards.

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