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Hcard-702 (Yamaha DX7II-D/FD) |Compatibility|Order


Hypersynth multibank cartridge "Hcard-702" is specially designed for expanding the memory of the Yamaha DX7II synthesizer. DX7II voice memory is limited to 64 presets (1 bank), which could be upgraded to 128 presets by adding an external Yamaha "RAM4" cartridge. "RAM4" is discontinued, rare, and expensive and It relies on a battery for data retention. These flaws make it not a good choice for DX lovers in the modern age. "Hcard-702" can be used as a drop-in replacement for Yamaha "RAM4" cartridge, it stores up to 100 banks without the worry of battery life and data loss.



-Memory size: Up to 100 banks (6400 voices, 3200 perfs, 200 tunings, 100 setups).
-Instant access to different banks using touch buttons.
-Two digits bank indicator display.
-No need for a battery.
-Drop in replacement for Yamaha "RAM4" and "DATA ROM" cartridge.
-Up to 21 pre-programmed soundbanks.
-Hidden "Memory Protect" option.
-External display support for listing all 64 presets in the selected bank.
-Compatible with Yamaha DX7II, DX7s, DX11, RX7, and RX5.


Categorized SoundBank:

"Hcard-702" is loaded with default DX7II factory soundbanks plus 16 soundbanks which are selected carefully out of thousands of available free banks for DX7. These soundbanks are categorized in a way to simplify the workflow of the sound selection.


Additions and Fixes (REV.2):

-CNC metal case with scratch-free red anodized finish.
-Chamfered edge bottom side that provides easy insertion.
-Colored touch buttons.
-CNC milled edge connector for robust connectivity with slot socket.
-Upgraded from 2L to 4L PCB with new microprocessor and more stable firmware.
-Hcard-702 now draws less power from your synthesizer power supply.



Larger Size

Larger Size

Larger Size

Soundbank Description (1 bank = 64 presets) Soundbank Description (1 bank = 64 presets)
00-Factory 1 DX7II Factory Sound Bank 1 11-Analog Vintage 2 Collection of analog sounds
01-Factrory 2 DX7II Factory Sound Bank 2 12-Synth Brass Collection of brass sounds
02-Bells Set Collection of bell sounds 13-Synth Pad 1 Collection of pad sounds
03-Bass Set 1 Collection of electronic and acoustic bass sounds 14-Synth Pad 2 Collection of pad sounds
04-Bass Set 2 Collection of electronic and acoustic bass sounds 15-Marimba & Mallet Collection of marimba sounds
05-Harp Set Collection of Harp sounds 16-E-Piano Collection Collection of E-Piano sounds
06-Organ Set Collection of organ sounds 17-Fender Rhodes Collection of Fender Rhodes Piano sounds
07-Guitar set Collection of acoustic and electric guitar sounds 18-Factory DX7s DX7s Data ROM Bank 1
08-String set Collection of string sounds 19-Factory DX7s DX7s Data ROM Bank 2
09-Moog/Waldorf Collection of Moog and Waldorf synth emulation 20-Factory DX7s DX7s Data ROM Bank 4 (Default Internal)
10-Analog Vintage 1 Collection of analog sounds 21-99 Default Voice

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