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CPU load when automating

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:23 am
by alphahinge
I just got my Ion editor and it is working great so far.

one thing though...when I actually automate a knob in ableton while running the vst, it overloads my cpu really bad. I am wondering why just sending a knob signal should bog down my cpu so much...?

great program otherwise.
please help


Re: CPU load when automating

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:14 pm
by Iman_JL
no problem here.

what is your system specification?
Does it occur in manual tweak or only in automation ?
which parameter is automated ?

Re: CPU load when automating

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:03 am
by alphahinge
my computer is a dual core PC with 4 gigs of ram running a Focusrite saffire audio interface. I am running the editor in Ableton Live 8.

I chose to automate filter 2 frequency as a test to make sure it is working, and when it plays back, my CPU pegs out to 100%. no other vsts are running and no other programs are running

Re: CPU load when automating

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:55 pm
by Iman_JL
Goto settings and uncheck "Enable Graphical Readout". If u still have problem link Filter Freq to M1 wheel in MOD Matrix then Automate M1 instead of Filter Freq.