Miniak-editor Version 1.8 Not Working

General discussions related to Miniak-editor
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Miniak-editor Version 1.8 Not Working

Post by adelakis »

I just purchased the Hypersynth Miniak-editor Version 1.8 For Mac, I use Logic Studio 9.6. 64 bit on a Quadcore Duo with 16 gig ram and 8 Terra HD dual cinema display, and the editor never shows up on Logic, i emailed the admins and asked if it were an AU component or VST, the replied its an AU as I expected and already have installed in my Components folder As usual.
I'm telling you guys I'm not a begginer with this stuff, I'm making music on Macs for 22 years now and an expert Producer and Arranger/Programmer.
Can someone help please? :shock:
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Re: Miniak-editor Version 1.8 Not Working

Post by adelakis »

and the component indicates V 1.00 ???
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Re: Miniak-editor Version 1.8 Not Working

Post by Iman_JL »

If you are running Logic Pro in 64bit mode and your AU plugin is not showing in the list of available AU plugins please try the following.

After installing the plugin launch Logic Pro in 32bit mode, then check to see if the plugin is in the list of available AU plugins. Then launch Logic Pro in 64bit mode and the plugin should now appear in the list of available plugins.

The plugins have to be recognised in Logic Pro 32bit before you can use them in 64bit mode.

OR :

If your plugin is not being detected by Logic Pro please try either or all of the following procedures.

1. Run the AU Manager from within Logic Pro.

2. Go to Macintosh HD/Users/Library/Cashes and move the file to the trash and empty the trash bin. When you next restart Logic Pro it will do a fresh scan of any installed Audio Units and your plugin should now appear in the Audio Units list in Logic Pro.

3. Go to Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components. If you can see your plugin in the list of Audio Units, select the file and move it to the Desktop. Restart the Mac and start Logic Pro, then shut down Logic Pro and move the Audio Units which were moved to the desktop back into the HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components folder. Restart Logic Pro and your plugin should now appear in the Audio Units list.
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