The fact that there are so few posts is a good sign.

General discussions related to ion/Micron-editor
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Flux Jetson
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The fact that there are so few posts is a good sign.

Post by Flux Jetson »

Hello. I just downloaded my Micron editor. :mrgreen:

As I look around on the forum I see there is nearly nothing posted within it. You can pretty much hear the crickets chirping because it's so quiet. While some may find that boring or unnerving, I kinda find that fact to be comforting. This forum isn't loaded down with question after question about how to do this, or why isn't the program doing that, or I'm having a problem with this/that/the other thing. That says a lot for the editor program, (to me) it's a statement of how well it works. I haven't even unzipped my copy of it yet to start it up, but I noticed pretty much right away the lack of topics, questions, and threads within the forum.

I'd have to say that it's a good thing. :)

I will go on record as saying that the sign-up/download process is somewhat confusing. And it might do you well to mention something on the product page in the website about having to join this forum before you can actually obtain the copy of the editor program once it's paid for, instead of having to learn that while attempting to purchase it. But other than that, as I said the fact that the forum is essentially a ghost town is a comforting sight.

Well then, I'm off to put the editor program on the actual computer I intend on using it on and getting it started to see how it all works out. I've high hopes!

Thanks for making the effort to create such a thing for those of us that like the Micron but don't like editing through a keyhole (the two-line LCD display on the Micron.)

Now .. if we can just get that arpeggiator/sequencer/pattern editor upgrade worked out, I'll be first in line to buy it! .... :)

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Re: The fact that there are so few posts is a good sign.

Post by Iman_JL »

Thanks for your comments.

This forum is not too old, we set it up mainly for having a download area but the members questions and suggestions are welcomed here too. Dont forget most of the users problems are addressed out by customer support via direct email system.
Now .. if we can just get that arpeggiator/sequencer/pattern editor upgrade worked out, I'll be first in line to buy it! ....
We like this idea, but Alesis is not interested in publishing more info about Micron arpeg/seq/patterns.
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