Miniak-editor v2.2 patch values display bugs

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Miniak-editor v2.2 patch values display bugs

Post by FroLeMageBlanc »

Hi, I found that in the version 2.2 of the miniak-editor some patch values are not displayed correctly.
For instance the filter decay slope is displayed "-exp" when I load a patch in version 2.2 whereas in the real world on my Miniak it's +exp. Version 2.1 displays the correct value. In that special case of filter slope decay when you select "lin" in version 2.2 it actually switches to "+exp", it's weird. :?
I noticed this display bug for the filter names, for the modulation matrix sources names, destinations names and values which sometimes are not displayed at all.
I can hear that all the values are correctly retrieved, even if they are not displayed correctly. That's even more confusing.
So I went back to version 2.1 and everything is fine.
I'm using Windows 7 home premium 64bit service pack 1, on a amd 2 Gb memory machine. I only use the standalone miniak-editor. I made some tests with several different midi interfaces and the bug is still there.
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Re: Miniak-editor v2.2 patch values display bugs

Post by Iman_JL »

It is a minor error that has been produced in v2.2, it will be fixed in the next release or beta version soon. But I could only get that display error with "Filter Env Decay Slope" other displays seem to work flawless here.
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